The pursuit of myself and others to find ALL the things we are looking for in life.
Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL
But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011
2012 Lady Raider Swimsuit Calendar

Get your own Lady Raider Calendar here!

Sunday, November 13, 2011
What's In a Lie... My take...

During Thanksgiving break, I was in my good ole’ hometown with my "boo" and I found myself in a sticky situation. Before I go any further, he wasn’t and still isn’t my boyfriend; therefore in my eyes, exclusivity does not exist in our “relationship.” One night, I found myself looking at his ex make a scene. His ex who claims they still had some type of relationship although he was “with” me. I.WAS.HOT! Now, you may ask why was I mad – after all, we’re not exclusive, right? Is it because he had another girl? Nope. He should totally do him! Reason number one I was pissed: I felt as if the entire situation was full of intentional deceit and lies. He took it upon himself to go above and beyond to prove that he wasn’t involved with anyone besides me. I never asked that question, nor did I have a desire to know. Our relationship wasn’t at the point where I felt as though I was ready to make it exclusive. I was aware of all that comes with that. However, to lie about the fact that you did/didn’t have a date lined up for the weekend when you clearly stated you were going with a homey or alone. "You ain't gotta lie to kick it." Honesty is important in any relationship. I know I said clearly for him to get his shit together before I arrived because I didn't want any drama. Second, he has some nerve to act like every time I don't answer my phone or go out, I'm with a man. That's because that's clearly the shit he does. My female instinct told me he’s projecting his behavior on me. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and not falsely accuse people. I am a firm believer that what is done in the dark will come to the light.
Now... with all that being said, we still talk/date/whatever...no “side eyes" please.
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Once upon a time, I was teenage girl with a fresh driver’s license doing all (well maybe not all) the things my mother told me not to do. All my #hoodratthingswithfriends stories I am going to share all occurred in places where my momma told me not to go...
One night, I was at a party talking to my boyfriend when his little ex cut in (without asking) and started dancing with him. My Gemini twin almost snatched that ponytail until I realized I was not about to actually fight this chick. Hey, I like to win and I don’t fight losing battles and this was definitely about to be a losing battle. I wasn’t on my turf, nor did I have any of my crew with me. I am not a fan of getting jumped...LOL #I'mjustsaying
Then another night I spent the night showing my a$$ in the street. You know, screaming in the street and nonsense like that. Same boyfriend, different girl. Every time I think of my a$$ off the main strip cursing men out at 17, I just giggle.
Now, I will admit the stories I shared aren’t THAT ridiculous, but are funny to recollect nonetheless. I do have a point besides for you to shake your head at me. Sometimes ladies, we need to pick our battles wisely and discern when we might need show our rachetness. Remember ladies, not everyone needs to see your crazy. Keep it classy. *blows kisses*
Sunday, October 30, 2011
It's A Small World

After arriving for breakfast, I sashayed into the restaurant (heels turned on my “Sasha Fierce” mode... lol). After being seated, I sat texting while waiting on my family. I decided I wanted to sit where I could see who was entering the restaurant, so I got up and moved my seating at the table. Before I moved, I really hadn’t paid any attention to the patrons sitting at the table next to me, aside from the fact they were black and looked to be roughly my age. As I moved, I glanced over and [saw] someone who I thought looked familiar. After a closer look, it hit me: that’s (insert his name), my sister’s old boo and his girlfriend! I glanced over again and saw another familiar face…his friend, my high school ex. I’m sure that one of the ladies at the table was his current significant other. Immediately, I decided I wasn't going to acknowledge them. Was I rude?!?! Ummm…maybe. LOL! Here’s my reasoning…
1. They were obviously out with their boos and the situation had the potential to become extremely awkward, really fast.
2. They clearly saw me first. How did I know this? Good question: I KNOW how I entered that restaurant. I was definitely in my "important person" mode and not as if I wore sneakers and a hoodie. If you know me, I’m sure you know the difference.
3. Neither of them ever parted their lips.
4. My parents were with me and know said non-speaking indvidual. I knew my father would definitely have made a scene.
5. This old boo was part of the motivation for [starting] this blog. Let’s just say the last time we talked like a year ago was not... ummm...positive. At all.
Regardless of your opinion of my decision to not speak, I didn’t and stand steadfast in my decision.
Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Kardashian crew are notorious for their quickie engagements and marriages. I'll admit, I'm a Kardashian lover *hides face in shame*. Kris and Bruce met on a blind date, got engaged, and were married in less than 5 months. They seem happy. Khloe and Lamar had a romance that seemed to have blossomed overnight; 19 days, I think. Let me just say, I love them! They aren't perfect, but seem to really adore each other. Kourtney and Scott have a level of commitment that works for them, as dysfunctional as their relationship may seem at times. They’re not in a rush to marry, nor is their level of commitment affected by the lack of rings and papers. Poor little Kimmie, real or fake, she’s searching for love. She and Kris met and married in less than a year. Let’s propose that their quickie romance was real, did they rush it to be married?
Now on the flip side, I have a friend who has been in a "relationship" for like four years to everyone EXCEPT her "boyfriend". He refuses to commit to the title. They do real relationship things together such as taking trips and spending time with each other's family and, to top it off, they are each other's best friend. Sounds about perfect, right? How long should she wait for him to commit? It’s not like she’s asking him to propose or anything, but I'm sure some sort of commitment on his part would be nice. BUT, is it necessary? And, if so, how long should she wait for it?
I don’t think there is any set amount of time that will make a relationship work. It is all about the relationship and commitment you have with the other and the desire to make it work.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Homie... Lover... Friend

1) I admit that I've done my share of effed up things, but I wouldn't dare broadcast or brag about them. This poor child thought it was cool to announce her role as “my man’s” jump off. *__* Did this somehow make her better than me? *bbm confused face* She clearly had some self-esteem issues and scars that were far too jacked up to be repaired. Welp, there is another little girl somewhere who can be saved. Luckily, I’ve had respectable male figures who kept me in line while giving me appropriate male attention. I didn't need to run out and search for love and affection when I became of age. It is our responsibility to ensure that little brown girls everywhere know their true value and that it doesn't reside between their thighs. A woman's worth lies in her heart, mind, and soul.
2.) I know you're saying that this happened like 6 or 7 years ago, Let. It. Go. I honestly thought I had, but about a year ago it came full circle and stared me in the face. When it originally happened, I decided that he and I could NEVER work in that way, but a year ago as I began my blog, his "name" was mentioned. I have spent the last year coming to terms with the fact that I have had to "share". I have issues; I don't knowingly want any one's sloppy-seconds. I can't stand when a dude tries to date someone in my circle and then tries to date me; he gets played. I’ve had a hard time not making my current "relationship" a sloppy-seconds scenario, especially since I was first...lol! With much reflection and assessment of the situation, I can say I have made peace enough to move forward. Would I leave them in a room unsupervised? Ummm…HELL NO!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Back Story

So in recent weeks, I've decided to charge full force ahead with this Jay-Z thing. Things seem to have gotten a little more serious with us. Ok, so here’s a little background information on this "relationship”, considering that it may become a hot topic in my blog: Jay-Z’s and my relationship dates back about 10 years when we were both in high school. Technically, you could say that we're 10 years strong like Bey and Jay (cue Beyonce). He was that high school boo who I "talked" to off and on during my junior and senior year, but NEVER officially dated. After high school, he went to VMI and I went the real HU. And we lived happily ever after...SIKE! We did remain friends, but didn't really reconnect until after graduating from college. And the story continues....
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Go With Life's Flow

Then, I get the inevitable phone call/text from my friend: “Did you see that (insert random person’s name) is (insert exciting life milestone)? Why are WE getting left behind on life?”
Hold up! Wait a minute?! We?! Bahahahha no, boo-boo! WE are not getting left behind. I’m just going with the flow and letting life happen and I’m cool with that. LOL She may feel that she is getting left behind on life... still on the “search” for true love, wanting the happily ever after part of the fairy tale. Now I’ll admit that I, too, have those thoughts from time to time. That’s kinda what happens at my age, but I’ve learned time and time again that the grass isn’t ALWAYS greener on the other side. Do I really need to be in a rush to give up the me I love and the life I’ve built for the WE (husband and kids)?
We as women need to naturally go with plan that was already put in place for us; let our lives take their own course. We are not always going to arrive at the same milestones at the same time. Hey, some of my friends’ kids will probably be going to the prom before my baby shower... *Kanye Shrugs* but that is the progression of my life. To answer my own question, after I go from ME to WE... “me-time” may be gone forever, well at least ‘til the little part of WE and my money goes off to college. Until that time, I’m going let life happen. Who knows, my ME may eventually turn into WE, but it will be on my life’s timeline and not based upon anyone else’s.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Not GF Material.....

Soooo...I’ve decided to be serious and focus on this thing “Jay-Z” and I have. Through the process, I’ve realized (maybe re-realized) I may not be “traditional” girlfriend/boo/wife material. I have “flaws” that I am very open about and that’s just me. I cannot wake up one morning and be some woman that I am not and don’t truly desire to become. I am VERY independent and march to the beat of my own drum.
This boo thing is hard for me. I just may not answer the phone when you text or call for whatever reason. There is no need to get an attitude. I’ll admit that I am beyond chill/nonchalant ... and I take “it is what it is” to the extreme. That’s. Just. Me.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Act Like a Lady... Think Like a Man

My friends, who grew up with me, assume that I have no heart. *kanye shrugs* Actually, it’s not a horrible assumption. I don’t usually openly discuss my love life and I DO NOT do PDA! YUCK! LOL (Okay, I’ve done it maybe once.... but that’s another story.) Example: In high school, my boyfriend dumped me...whomp whomp whomp; I get to school and my friends were asking a zillion questions. My response: I don’t know and I don’t care. They believed that I should have pleaded with this boy to stay with me...NOPE!! Not I! He can bounce (especially if he’s waiting on all that)! And life went on.... I don’t fall in love every other week and do a lot of those “girlie” things.
I would completely classify myself as the ultimate bachelorette. I have no real issue when I’m only a man’s option because he’s probably the same with me. *kanye shrugs* I play my role and I let his actions dictate what that is and then I decide if I’m willing to play along. Contrary to this blog, I’ve realized I may not really be seriously looking for love (although I may wander upon it). I enjoy going out getting a few drinks (hopefully free), giving out my number with no real intentions on answering. I enjoy the single girl lifestyle and its perks. Now you may be judging me but, If I was a dude would you?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Enjoy Life
This news of her passing caused me to reflect on how I live my life. I will say that I am a “go with the flow” type and aim to enjoy all of life’s moments. I try not to let those inevitable battles hold me down for long. I fall down, get up, dust it off and keep it moving. I try and learn from my mistakes and hopefully not make the same one twice. Life is too short for that. I find myself happy.
I challenge all of you to live life to its fullest, enjoy your life - you are only given one. I know people who rarely leave the city they were born in, much less travel and see the world. Take life by horns and live it on your own terms as if each day is your last. Spend it with people you love and respect; experience new things; travel when you can. Don’t take life for granted, you never know when it’s going to end.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
You Must Not Know 'Bout Me... Really You Don't

Sunday, August 28, 2011

So a few weeks ago, it hit me that I was traveling down a road, and seeing all types of signs, but I wasn’t reading any of them. *Kanye shrugs*. Sometimes, you have to go down a road and experience it so you don’t look back on life and think "what if?"
Have you ever been driving down a road and you realize everything looks quite familiar? You discover that it’s not deja vu and you really have been there before. You know exactly where this road is leading and you would rather not make this trip again, so you tap the brake and head for the nearest exit.
Once you've slowed down, you realize you may not have seen the trees because of the forest (or whatever the saying is) and what you may have been looking for has been in front of you the entire time. I am extremely goal oriented and when I see something I want, I put forth a serious effort to get it. Sometimes everything doesn’t turn out as I envisioned, but I like to live life without regrets. Today, I think I can go forward, make this "move" and be confident in my choice. Sometimes it "be like that.”
Sunday, August 21, 2011
5 Things to do as a Single Woman
Most women will not get married before the age 35. We all need something to do as we wait on Mr. Right!
5 - Do something fun! Enjoy life!
4 - Chill the fuck out! Your husband is coming (more than likely) and you need to enjoy your life RIGHT NOW!
3 - Learn something to make you better. Take a pole dancing class or a cooking class, etc. It’s the little things make life better/more enjoyable, and hey - your future Mr. won’t mind these little extras. ;-)
2- Save some money and work on the credit that you may or may not have totally disregarded in college! You may want to have a wedding or a buy a house someday. Let’s not forget those little expensive people that result from a happy union. Aside from that, it’s always nice to have a little money in the bank to cushion us from life’s unexpected blows, whether single or married.
1- See the world and travel! The world has SO much to offer. Go check it out! Have an Eat, Pray, Love moment! And there is no better time than now!
Recorded in beautiful Peurta Vallarta, Mexico.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Man I Love My Team

My people hold me down!
I am girl who has had the opportunity to call 3 areas in Virginia home: Martinsville, DMV, and now Richmond. I’ve encountered lots of people while living throughout the state. Each time that I’ve moved, I’ve added different people to “my team”. I don’t just meet people and automatically give them a spot my team, not everyone makes the final cut. Some are here because they are my business partners, some know ALL my business, some have shared common experiences and goals and others keep me grounded. The are just a few of the many reasons people are on my team. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a possibility that some of my team members of my team may screw YOU over. Damn, a few members of my team have (and probably will again) screw me over (gotta keep it real) if given the opportunity. But please be reminded that they are here for a reason. My reasons are just that MINE. You are not allowed to choose who makes up my team nor do they solely define who I am. The connections and interactions I have will have an impact on my life, but who says to say if they will be positive or negative.... I do (for the most part). You cannot choose my team nor can I choose yours.
As you choose your team pick them for yourself and not for others....
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Black Love

But I do have a problem with a particular type of black man who is by far not representative of all black men. Black women you KNOW the ones I’m speaking of - the ones who tend to stereotype, rather than appreciate us [regular old black women]. According to them, we have too many attitudes and mood swings, speak our minds a little too often and refuse to put up with their shit. We won’t be walked over and we will check you if necessary. You know, they think we are bitches. O_o They would much rather chase after the gorgeous girl who is not black or the one who doesn’t claim her African-American heritage. Now I’m not a hater andI have nothing but love for these women and I can’t blame them for loving the black men flock to them. My problem solely lies with the mentality of the “flockers.” I’m confused when it comes to them. What makes them feel that just because these women are not black they will make a better girlfriend, wife or mother? Maybe she does all the little pointless things that us regular old black women don’t. OH WAIT! I know many black women who do those things like folding socks a certain way, cooking hot dogs a special way, etc. They do these things for the men they adore who adore them in return. I look at the men with this mentality that I know personally, they were raised by their black mother. Are women with the same characteristics as their mothers not good enough? O_o The mothers I know who have raised these men seemed to have done a pretty decent job with them, aside from this one issue. In my opinion, their mentality is not only a slap in my face, but also their mothers’ as well.
I will say that not all hope is lost in black men making a black love connection. Not all men have that awful mentality. Some men in general LOVE a black woman. To you men out there, we appreciate your love! I am sure that there is a black leading lady out there for you that is the perfect fit. Thanks for not buying into to those awful stereotypes and continuing to appreciate our strengths while encouraging us past our weaknesses. Roger Ebert, Chris Rock, Will Smith, Jay-Z, and BARACK love their black leading ladies. This leading lady continues to look for her leading man.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
My Man's Biggest Fan

Their relationship is not open to the public and they keep their intimate details very private. They are seen together but don’t publicize their relationship a lot. When they do, you can tell that they really do adore one another. In an interview, Beyonce admitted that she has always been a Jay-Z groupie. She has also been heard stating that she loves her some Jay-Z. All through out her music you can hear her love letters to her man. Jay-Z will tell you he has the hottest chic in the game. He even commented “Sometimes you need perspective. You’ve been right in front of greatness so often that you need to step back and see it again for the first time..” about a video he shared of Beyonce practicing for American Idol. Now don’t jump down my throat. No, I do not think their relationship is perfect. No relationship is nor will it be. He may or may not have a boo on the side (which is not okay... and he would be a damn fool.). But they both seem happy.
You may be wondering, “What does this have to do with my pursuit?” It does relate to me. I want to be that in love. I want my “non expressing emotion” self to be willing to announce to the world that I am “groupie” for my man (I’ve been a closet groupie a time or two) and be happy making that statement. Not only do I want to be that in love where I am announcing my love to the world, but I also want my man to feel the same way about me...like Jay-Z does about Beyonce. I want my man to announce that I am great and express his love and appreciation for me to the world. When I’ve met a man whom I can share that mutual feeling with, the non-expressive Keisha that you now know will be dead.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sometimes Let. It. Go.

When you come to that realization, you feel all kinds of emotions. You’re angry, hurt, vengeful and shocked, to name a few. Hey, you may even act on a few of those feelings. I’m pretty sure I”m not the nice girl turned bitch out here...hmph. As time passes, love’s old battlefield wounds will heal or well should.....
Sometimes ladies we have to just have to make the decision to Let. It. Go. I’m not saying forget by any means because the experience should make you stronger and wiser with memory. You shouldn’t allow him to have control of your heart and mind forever. Eventually, we have to take it for what it is: the past and learn from it. When we take the loss and re-examine the relationship and realize and accept that we didn’t do everything right, lacked better judgment and had some red flags that we ingored and/or declined to pursue, we are able to love better the next time. *takes own advice* When we hold on to old hurts they weigh on us and our future relationships.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Do women date men with kids?

We do.... BUT.... we have a few stipulations.
Most of my friends I asked said that they would date a men with kids, even the ones who I expected to give a me a cold HELL NO! If we can find a man who is good for us we are open minded enough to make the relationship work. Men with kids who are REAL good fathers is a great thing to us. It gives a glimpse into how they would treat us and our family if we ever made it to that point. At this point, most of my friends and I are definitely in the “we want to get married and maybe have babies mindset.”
This is where the positive ends... SORRY! These my male friends are your obstacles when dating us....
Finances- We are hardworking women who enjoy nice things and at least want you to partake in the lavish life with us. We are not for having to pay for your vacay with us to wherever. If you already have a kid(s) and they are literally eating up your finances (as they should) - that’s not something we’re used to in our free-spirited bachelorette lifestyles.
Quality Time with you - Some of us hate to admit it but we are selfish. In our defense, at this point of living independently for roughly 10 years with no one to be concerned about but ourselves, we are not terribly excited about having to share our man with others. Period. This is a catch 22 for you fellas, we want you to be able to spend quality time with your kids and do fatherly things, but we want to be with you too. Personally, I wouldn’t want to share quality time as a family. I’m with kids all day, 200 days a year. I am not huge on spending time with other people’s children outside work ESPECIALLY one’s I can’t control or correct. Don’t get me wrong, I love kids especially my babies at school and my twin, but these are children I can and will correct. I don’t really want to be a Chucky Cheese (or any other child friendly places) with you and your kid. It’s just not how I would choose to spend my quality time with my boo.
To Be the First - I know we have all seen THAT episode of “The Game” where Melanie did everything short of killing herself to be the FIRST...that SHIT is REAL!! Need I say I more? Probably not, but I will. As 20-something women, we know that we may not (and at this point) won’t be your first love, but having your child and baby mama is a constant reminder...
Baby Mama - You all know I had to take it here. This is the one woman who is here to stay whether we like it or not. For the sake of the child, this is a relationship that cannot be avoided. The terms of this relationship is usually where the problem lies. Some relationships with the baby mama are NOT on good terms. We all know that woman who is not over the fact that she is not with her baby daddy and is bitter about it. She does all the crazy things you think of...stalking us, dropping off the kid at random times, always wanting fight, etc. She is your “crazy ass baby mama.” We just cannot hang with her. We want to keep what sanity we have. (Note to “Crazy Baby Mama’s”: Get your shit together!!) Your priority needs to be your kid and having a crazy mama is not a good start for him/her.There are more issues in that relationship that we don’t want to have any part of and God help the poor child. Then we have the what we would consider the “too close for comfort” baby mama. Your new boo can swear all day she doesn’t have some issues but she does. I can almost guarantee she is going to feel some kind of way when you’re getting to chummy with her (baby mama). The thoughts will cross our minds wondering if there is still a connection or why they ever broke up, etc. While we’re dating/in a relationship, we really want to refrain from the Angela and Keisha situations (TP’s Why Did I Get Married?). We don’t want to wonder if he is working on another baby with her nor do we want to feel like we need a jar of Vaseline every time we see her.
*Puts on educator hat.*
As a child advocate, I must tell ya fellas, it maybe hard in the streets for ya, but you are NO LONGER your #1 priority. You need to what’s best for your child in this situation. There maybe a time when you (and maybe even other parties) lose out.
*Puts single woman hat back on.*
All is not lost here. We are looking for a good man. Depending on the situation/relationship, we may be willing to look over some things. Hey, we realize that we too have our own “baggage” that you will need to look over for us. Men and women both know their breaking points and what they are willing to handle.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Damn His... is Sexy!!

"He does what it takes, He got a winner’s mind. I’ll give it all to him and meet him at the finish line.... “
We’ve all seen guy guy who walks by and elicits a collective “Daaaammmmnnn“ and leaves a gang of turned heads behind. You and and all your girls see and acknowledge his sex appeal! This guy has it - all the surface qualities you look for: the walk, smile, clothes and smooth baritone voice. There is one quality that a man can possess that you can’t see just from looking at his outer appearance...his work ethic.
I can remember being younger and having both my parents holding down two jobs. My sister and I both have inherited that quality and have both held down a job (or two) since we were teenagers.
A man who has the drive to succeed at whatever he desires (realistically) is super sexy to me. I know men who desire to take over the world in their own capacity and are constantly working to do that in their own way. Men always claim that a women wants a man with money. Don’t get me wrong money is nice (real nice), but I can take care of myself. I want a man that can hold his own and work hard to achieve. I’ve dated men who lack that quality and been immediately turned off. I am eager to support a man who is working hard and handling his business in any way I can. Shout out to all you men out their own your grind.... we “peep” you (not that you didn’t already know this).
This Michelle is in search of a Barack...
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The Stripper Delimma

Do you really think that you are going to be last set of T and A he sees?
My blog...my view...
To my future fiance - you’re good to go! You want strippers, have at it...but I’m surprisingly liberal. Hey! I believe that if I had another life I would be a stripper, it looks like fun...(just couldn’t use this life for it...gotta take care business, save the world and such.)
Before I tie the knot, I want to two parties. A classy one first, for my mom, his mom, and all my boring and classy friends with fancy cocktails in flutes, finger sandwiches, cute sundresses, maybe some really cute headgear, etc. I have a bouigie side and would really enjoy this party. Then there would be the party for me and my slightly wilder friends with a lot of ignorance. So with that said, if he wants to hire a stripper or two and have her drop it low and shake that…so be it! He just better not sleep with her or make it rain, but if I have a real concern with that, I doubt I would be getting married. I’m not for marring some man I can’t trust.
Before sitting to write my views, I did a little “research.” I asked several ladies I am cool with (co-workers, college friends, and dance buddies) and few guys (a friend, an ex-boo, and a current “boo”). The consensus for the ladies was everywhere. Some said he could go to the strip club, but no private party where the strippers come to them. (I could totally bang with that response.) Some said “Ugh, HELL NO!” Some were with me and said go for it. All three of the males were completely cool with their significant other having one. (Probably more to the fact that they wanted to have one themselves.)
I know I tend to be more toward the liberal side of my friends. I’ve been to several strip clubs; male, female, mixed (the first being an 18 year old freshman girl with my 3 roommates in southeast DC not knowing what we were there to see). Hey, I’ve even been with a “boo” to see a stripper and was not least bit upset. So I’m not really bothered/threatened by the fact he wants to see a little T and A. One of my friends said it best, “I want us to get married and continue to enjoy life. I don’t want to marry and become the boring couple.” EXACTLY! Regardless of how you look at it, why stop him if it’s something he wants to do?
But I feel there is a deeper reason for the adamant no...
Why do my friends really not want their potential life partners to have a stripper? Could it be a lack of TRUST? This is just me speculating, because I don’t really know the real reason for the no stripper rule, but if that is the case, are they really threatened by a stripper and her alone? If a man is going to cheat on you he’s going to do it. Keeping the strippers away isn’t going to stop him. No, I’m not saying all men cheat but a lot do. It is what is. When you walk into a marriage you never REALLY KNOW what your man is going to do.
If you are threatened by the stripper, what about the woman who he sees everyday? You know the woman who may be your equal in the neighborhood.... the chick he works with (the super cute sexy one), the mom on the PTA (who just got divorced or her hubby is always out of town), etc. These women are the women who I feel is a bigger threat. He can build a relationship bigger than sex with these women. They probably have something in common aside from the obvious. If you getting married, I would assume build a relationship similar to what you and him have. If you are worried about stripper from before day one of forever, what are you going to be doing as he is working along side her day after day or when he sees her when he picks up Jr. from school? #butImjustsaying