Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.

Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL

But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....



Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Resolutions

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Here is my list of resolutions for 2016. Sometimes I just need to hit restart  And NOW is one of those times. I'm sure some of you don't see point of new year's resolutions. If you are one of those people, you can please stop here. If not, drum roll please....

1) To continue to grow professionally, mentally, and religiously. Just continue to get better with time and be a better me.

2) To watch more Food Network and Cooking Channel. I really feel like God is almost ready for me to be with husband he has designed for me! LOL When he gets me, I need to be ready to be a brown skin version of Ayesha Curry and Chrissy Teagan. (Have you seen their Instagram???!!! I want to be them when I grow up!) Don't get it twisted, I can cook but I'm trying to step up my game. And let's be real, some of these cooking folks aren't doing any more than opening some cans. I just need to learn a few of these tricks. Did I mention that I like to eat.

3)  Tackle more of 30 (not) in 2015 list. Not sure which ones but I have to scratch more off that list!!!

4.) Restart the same ones I start every year but rarely stick to (exercise more, go to church more, read more). Some years I do really good with some of these (mainly the church and exercise). Then there are years (like this one) where I did very poorly.

5.) God reminded all New Year's Eve that I left this one off.... Be PATIENT!!! It's God's time and not my own.


Continue to be happy regardless of how it looks to others and be unapologetic about it. I'm going to trust my journey and not care what you think. I'm going to drink the wine, order the dessert, and love whole heartedly. Judge me if you want... IDC! I am going to be me, choose me, love me!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

30 in 2015 Reveiw....

Sooo 30 in 2015 did NOT happen! Buy let's discuss what did!!!

2.  Pay off my Hawaiian vacation.

 Let's just consider my 95 Honda as payment and we can call this debt even.

5.  Buy a car.  I need to make that commitment in 2015. I have commitment issues and really don't want to commit to making that payment monthly. Also, I am trying to get the nicest car I can get (with a fancy radio and a "beep beep") and end up with a $199 payment. Let's see how that goes!!

Soooooooo.... I have new to me 2014 Toyota Corolla!! I have fancy radio, "beep beep", AND a back-up camera. Won't He do it!!!!! but didn't quite make the 199 cut off but not too far off for what I got!

7.  Read a the entire Bible in the year. I need to grow with Lord and allow him to work on my heart.

I actually started this.... but yea.... RESTART (at least pick up where I stopped)!!!

10.Learn to do a double pirouette. I have been on a dance team for 6 years at this point. I want to be able to show that I can dance for real. LOL

14. Forgive someone. Working on my heart. Forgiveness has everything to do with me and very little with other person. I have at least a couple of people I need to forgive. I feel like one is myself.

This. One Right. Here. This probably deserves an entire blog, post, or video of it's own but I can't guarantee to make that happen. There were a couple of people I was talking about specifically because my lack of truly forgiving and moving on were and had already had such a huge impact on me.
Person A- I have forgiven them. I haven't forgotten but I have accepted the apology never really gotten and will never really get. (They don't get it to give a real one. That is ok.) I have removed the anger from my heart and can truly wish them best in all to come in that person's life.

Person B- True forgiveness is hopefully in the works and will come, but I am over it. I am no longer waiting for karma to show her ugly little head to give me peace... (although she has come a few times to give me a little chuckle).  I am at a peace at taking my lesson from the situation.

Myself- I. AM. AT. PEACE. Everything happens for a reason. Get the test and learn the lesson. I will not beat myself up for living life and a getting the lessons God has intended for me to get.

22. WANDER in to Love. I want REAL love to find me. I want to wake up 1/1/16 and be in love with someone who is in love with me and a real selfless love. NO! I am not out looking for love but only leaving myself open to the possibility. I am putting good vibes and a request into the universe. If happens it happens and if not, I will have been so busy killing this list I won't be bothered. What's for me is only for me! But I'm not on a search for love... I am too busy searching for self love.

This is still a work in progress... but this is another situation where I am totally at peace. Like I said before, what is meant for me it is for me. In the past year, I have regained belief in fairy tales and the happily ever after. I can keep hope alive but at the same time I am not stressing it. I have also learned that I need to be ready for what I ask for.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Reflection of 2015!


2014ish really ended sooooooooo many things to get me ready to walk into a new chapter of life. It was a time that had to trust in God and let Jesus take the wheel. I had to learn to not only be patient with my "little" people but with life in general. I learned that what I want it is not always what God wants for me. I had to figure out how to be happy and let go of things sucked the life out of me.

2015ish has really felt like a set up for all things to come, as I start to reap my harvest. I have grown as a person this year and have hadstand up for myself and for others. I had to be a good a person and not waste time to prove it. Everyone will not always see my shine and that is okay. What others think of me is none of my business, so I've kept it moving. I have had to accept letting go of things that I felt like "defined" me and move forward in life.  A few weeks ago, I read a post about God making you wait. It really is where I felt like I have been this past year or so and learning to be happy in that waiting period.

I could go on for days about all the ways that I have "placed" this past yearish. One major instance has been jobs that I've applied for and he's denied me because he had the perfect one waiting for me. All I had to do was trust and WAIT ON HIM!!  Hopefully he's still working on my big ticket item *wink wink*... 2016 what blessings do you have in store for me!?