Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.

Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL

But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....



Friday, January 2, 2015

30 Something Start

I'm starting my challenge!!! On my mark! Get set! Go!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

30 Something List

30 Something List

In the order I came up with them....
1.  Pay off my Capital One Card. (Also, means I can't use it....)
2.  Pay off my Hawaiian vacation.
3.  Go to a NFL football game. (Lived in DC for 5 years and never attend a game!)
4.  Do a split and increase my flexibility. ( You would think that I could do one.... but naaahhhh not even close. I am the MOST unflexible cheerleader you will ever meet.)
5.  Buy a car. (I need to make that commitment in 2015. I have commitment issues and really don't want to commit to making that payment monthly. Also, I am trying to get the nicest car I can get (with a fancy radio and a "beep beep") and end up with a $199 payment. Let's see how that goes!!)
6.  Go to MLB game (DC didn't have the Nationals when I was resident.)
7.  Read a the entire Bible in the year. (I need to grow with Lord and allow him to work on my heart.)
8.  Get real abs and lift and tone my booty.
9.  Take a trip. (I don't have a location but a budget of $500 bucks exact. Not 501 not 515 but 500 exact. If you need explanation please see the items 1, 2, and 5.)
10.Learn to do a double pirouette. (I have been on a dance team for 6 years at this point. I want to be able to show that I can dance for real. LOL)
11. Get a tattoo. (I am going to get something to with patience, a star, dreams, perseverance. I want it on my wrist or behind my ear.)
12. Relearn French. (I use to be able to at least understand it and speak it a little when I was in high school. I should've never taken Spanish in college.)
13. Get my insurance license.
14. Forgive someone. (Working on my heart. Forgiveness has everything to do with me and very little with other person.)
15. Make a list of 30 people I admire and why. (I have several people who make me want to be better, do better, and keep me on my game! I appreciate that about them. If I do 3 people a month, I'll finish in September.)
16. Read a classic book.
17. Go to a Steeler's game.
18. Go to the VA State Fair.
19. Do 30 Random Acts of Kindness.
20. Complete the 100 Days of Happy! (I spent so much of 2014 blogging and documenting the bad parts of my life. I need to spend 2015 focusing on positive things and documenting them.
21. Keep a journal. (I feel like I need to keep track daily of all of this!! And have it to reflect on 1/1/16
22. WANDER in to Love. (I want REAL love to find me. I want to wake up 1/1/16 and be in love with someone who is in love with me and a real selfless love. NO! I am not out looking for love but only leaving myself open to the possibility. I am putting good vibes and a request into the universe. If happens it happens and if not, I will have been so busy killing this list I won't be bothered. What's for me is only for me! But I'm not on a search for love... I am too busy searching for self love.)
23. Invest more in meaningful relationships. (Last year, I started writing birthday cards to people who are in my life and I value. Now, I admit, I have fallen severly behind but it is the thought. This year I am going not only send the cards but more thought into the message. Other than that, I have not decided what else I can do, but I am working on it!!)
24. Take a cooking class.
25. Get my future read.
26. Read a self help book.
27. Watch 30 classic films/movies. (There are a lot of movies I should've seen that I haven't. I am going to watch them in 2015. Suggestions are welcome!)
28. TBD
29. TBD
30. TBD