Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.

Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL

But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....



Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Type

People always use to ask me what is my “type” and I always would respond with, “Ummm (placing finger on my chin)... Just a male working. I don’t really have a type. LOL” You know you have those people trying to “hook you up.” I always use to think that they were talking about a “physical” type, but as I reflect more on my life, I have realized that type doesn’t always have to be physical. For me, I’ve figured it is more than looks. . If you look at the men I’ve dated they all look very different.

I have realized that I AM drawn to a certain “type” of man. I feel that as a woman, I should be taken care of, protected, and attempted to be provided for, and I am drawn to men who possess the qualities to be providers and caretakers such as intelligence, business degrees, athleticism, drive, and passion (just to name a few) . Importance isn't in what attributes I have found to be my “type” but why these qualities are “my type.” As we go out in “search” of our “type” of man, let’s look at the qualities that make “our type.” Are they the real qualities that will hold longevity in a relationship and why are they important to us? Remember, that physical attributes should be limited on your list of “type” because good looks probably won’t last forever and will not get you through hard times. Your relationship will need to weather the storms of life and good looks won’t help then.