Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.

Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL

But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....



Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Boo

This just can't be summer love or can it?

The weather is breaking and the clothes are coming off. As the spring turns to summer, I have a lot of free time on my hands. The school year is coming to an end and my indoor football season comes to close and prepares to transition into the next season. I look around and I have nothing to do. I need something to keep me busy. I need a summer boo!

You know someone to keep my company through the summer. I need someone to ride the coasters with at King’s Dominion, go to the beach with, go see all the summer’s hottest movies with, and sit with and watch movies with during the summer storms. A summer fling or summer love as Justin Timberlake would say is what I need. As summer comes to an end so would this... Taking applications for Summer Boo 2011... but don’t get this application confused with the Mr. Right application. LOL

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The 1 Before "The One"

And THEY (not me) lived happily ever after...

Scenario: You’re in a relationship and everything is going great. You're both head over heels in love and then...the bottom falls out and you find yourself single and broken hearted - yet again. Fast forward a month. You’re fresh out of the gym, pumped and feeling great. You turn the corner and who do you see? Him...and wait, who the heck is she? He’s in a new relationship and it looks picture perfect. Then IT happens, all the congratulations on twitter, posts on the facebook wall and the inevitable facebook relationship status change. Engaged. You realize that you are the one before “The One.” Now this isn’t so much my story but more what I imagine one of my cousin’s story would be as I am an outsider looking in.

Now we’ve all seen this story line in movies before. Girl gets dumped by boy and hopes for boy to be miserable but that shit doesn’t happen. He’s the exact opposite. He is madly in love with the one that he left you for. They get married and live the life every girl dreams about, complete with the beautiful home, white picket fence, 2 adorable children and a dog. And you are still twiddling your thumbs waiting on happily ever after to happen.

As I write, I realize that this has happened to me and even more women who’d rather die than admit it. Ladies we must remember to stay positive. Let us put the bottle down, shut the fridge, steer away from the mall and close the box of chocolates. It will not make you feel better. Waiting for their happily ever after to come to an end will make you go even crazier than you already feel. Having hate in your heart may keep you from seeing the true blessing God has in store for you. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason and the reason is not always meant for you to know. We have to let those things behind us go and keep looking forward to the blessings in front of us.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Are you confident or cocky?

Have you ever been somewhere and in he walks. He glides through the room with confidence. He knows that he has it together. He’s dressed nice, his career is headed in the direction he desires; his family and friends adore him. He’s “that guy”. He has “swag”. He is working on living his dreams (whatever they maybe). He’s a real life Jay-Z. And here’s the best part, he doesn’t treat his Beyonce likes she NEEDS him. This my friends is true confidence. And it fellas is like honey. It draws us in like insects. Sorry ladies, I like to keep it real.

Some men claim to have confidence but what they really have in cockiness. A cocky man is the worst. In their minds, they’re the best thing since sliced bread and you should feel LUCKY he chose you to be with them. He’s as bitter as vinegar that no one really desires to have. Even if that is the case (sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't), no one wants to live the life where they don’t have mutual respect for one another. Everyone deserves to have a relationship where they are lucky or blessed to have the other and that’s a mutual understanding.

Are you cocky or confident?

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Mrs. LYS-Right...

After reading The Name Change Dilemma, an article that discussed how more women are choosing to adopt their husbands’ names after marriage instead of keeping with the 90’s trend of keeping their maiden names. I guess the 90’s women mentality has left. I couldn’t help but wonder what I’d do when that time came.

I’ve been LYS for 20 something years, it’s all I know and I love being LYS. I’ve been that person my entire life, now I meet this wonderful man and magically become someone else. Hmm...I don’t think so. I know that couldn’t just drop MY name and add Mr. Right AND his last name. I’m not even close to getting married right now, but women all over the world and I since childhood have thought about more times than we can count. I have come to the conclusion that when the time comes, I would legally hyphenate my name and keep all 3 zillion letters. Professionally I will remain LYS. As a wife and a mother, (*o*) I’d use my newly acquired last name.

Ladies and fellas, after reading this what do you think? Guys, do you want your wife to change her name to your name completely? Why or why not? Ladies, what do you intend to do upon marrying your soul mate? Why or why not?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Real vs Fake

What's your pick?

If you know me or follow my blog, you’ll see that I’m a chameleon - my hair is constantly changing. I have no problem wearing my real hair one day and a long curly wig the next. I like to change it up, I like a little variety in my life.

In the past few months, I have several conversations with two male friends about their like/dislike of my versatility. Friend 1: a co-worker. He sees the REAL me on a daily basis: real hair, real boobs, real nails, real eyelashes, etc (this list could probably go on forever). He always notices when I’ve added a taste of versatility and thinks it’s a good thing. On the other hand, Friend 2: Mr. LT expresses his dislike of my “versatility.”

More often than not, the versatility is more so for me than for others, but I admit I will switch it up for the opposite sex occasionally. The Blasian (Black and Asian) me on a Friday night gets way more play and free drinks than the “9-5” me. Her long locks paired with my slanted eyes, long eyelashes, and acrylic nails gives me the exotic Asian look. Admittedly, some nights I’m trying to get wasted and not spend a lot of money while doing it. Most men who meet the Blasian version of me really don’t get any play, as I don’t and most likely won’t look this way on a daily basis.

Fellas, do you prefer a woman that is real or one that keeps the weave fresh, the acrylics on point, and has that Niki Minaj body - or would you rather roll with a woman who has the confidence to be herself.?

I need a man in my life who loves the REAL me and doesn’t mind when the “fake” me comes to visit.