So a few weeks ago, it hit me that I was traveling down a road, and seeing all types of signs, but I wasn’t reading any of them. *Kanye shrugs*. Sometimes, you have to go down a road and experience it so you don’t look back on life and think "what if?"
Have you ever been driving down a road and you realize everything looks quite familiar? You discover that it’s not deja vu and you really have been there before. You know exactly where this road is leading and you would rather not make this trip again, so you tap the brake and head for the nearest exit.
Once you've slowed down, you realize you may not have seen the trees because of the forest (or whatever the saying is) and what you may have been looking for has been in front of you the entire time. I am extremely goal oriented and when I see something I want, I put forth a serious effort to get it. Sometimes everything doesn’t turn out as I envisioned, but I like to live life without regrets. Today, I think I can go forward, make this "move" and be confident in my choice. Sometimes it "be like that.”