The pursuit of myself and others to find ALL the things we are looking for in life.
Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.
Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL
But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....
Soooo...I’ve decided to be serious and focus on this thing “Jay-Z” and I have. Through the process, I’ve realized (maybe re-realized) I may not be “traditional” girlfriend/boo/wife material. I have “flaws” that I am very open about and that’s just me. I cannot wake up one morning and be some woman that I am not and don’t truly desire to become. I am VERY independent and march to the beat of my own drum.
This boo thing is hard for me. I just may not answer the phone when you text or call for whatever reason. There is no need to get an attitude. I’ll admit that I am beyond chill/nonchalant ... and I take “it is what it is” to the extreme. That’s. Just. Me.
If you know me, you probably would classify me as a “Southern Belle”,you know a “prissy girl”. There are things that my country self swears by: I always must have earrings, I tend to be quiet (unless I’m in my “Sasha” mode), etc. It’s just who I am. Even in my fitted t-shirt and flat shoe lifestyle I get this label often, but in some aspects of my life I’m not sooooo girlie.
My friends, who grew up with me, assume that I have no heart. *kanye shrugs* Actually, it’s not a horrible assumption. I don’t usually openly discuss my love life and I DO NOT do PDA! YUCK! LOL (Okay, I’ve done it maybe once.... but that’s another story.) Example: In high school, my boyfriend dumped me...whomp whomp whomp; I get to school and my friends were asking a zillion questions. My response: I don’t know and I don’t care. They believed that I should have pleaded with this boy to stay with me...NOPE!! Not I! He can bounce (especially if he’s waiting on all that)! And life went on.... I don’t fall in love every other week and do a lot of those “girlie” things.
I would completely classify myself as the ultimate bachelorette. I have no real issue when I’m only a man’s option because he’s probably the same with me. *kanye shrugs* I play my role and I let his actions dictate what that is and then I decide if I’m willing to play along. Contrary to this blog, I’ve realized I may not really be seriously looking for love (although I may wander upon it). I enjoy going out getting a few drinks (hopefully free), giving out my number with no real intentions on answering. I enjoy the single girl lifestyle and its perks. Now you may be judging me but, If I was a dude would you?
A few weeks ago, I spent the entire afternoon in a co-workers classroom talking about enjoying life. She and I talked about traveling and living life freely and on our own terms. You see, last year, she battled cancer and lost her 40 year old daughter who eventually succumbed to the illness. The next day, I opened a BBM from a friend to find out that a friend and classmate had passed away. She was the same age as me....
This news of her passing caused me to reflect on how I live my life. I will say that I am a “go with the flow” type and aim to enjoy all of life’s moments. I try not to let those inevitable battles hold me down for long. I fall down, get up, dust it off and keep it moving. I try and learn from my mistakes and hopefully not make the same one twice. Life is too short for that. I find myself happy.
I challenge all of you to live life to its fullest, enjoy your life - you are only given one. I know people who rarely leave the city they were born in, much less travel and see the world. Take life by horns and live it on your own terms as if each day is your last. Spend it with people you love and respect; experience new things; travel when you can. Don’t take life for granted, you never know when it’s going to end.
Have you ever sat across from someone and realized you know everything about him, but he has no clue who you are nor has a real interest in learning. O_o You sit through dinner and listen to him talk...about...well...himself. Finally, when you’re halfway through your meal, he seems to want to know more about you. He asks questions that are either pointless or somehow relate to him. You continue to interact with/go on dates with him, chalking that first experience to nerve-induced word vomit. Only, after a few more dates, it becomes apparent that “this guy has NO CLUE who I am.” He doesn’t know where I’m from, what college I attended (it’s on my license plate), my birthday (it was like a week ago and it’s on Facebook), and that I write a blog. These are just a few things I probably would’ve mentioned if he’d taken the time to ask or allowed me to get in a word edgewise.
When a man listens to you, it says a lot. Sitting across the table from a man who references something you said or shows his interest in you is a breath of fresh air. He brings you your favorite flower, remembers your birthday and actually makes an effort to contact you in some form or fashion (I say contact because I’ve gotten some interesting contacts on my birthday before), remembers little things and goes out of the way to make you laugh. Now ladies, some of us may have given up hope but they do exist!! I’ve seen them in real life... LOL