Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.

Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL

But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....



Thursday, July 31, 2014

Reasons Why My Last Relationship Crashed and Burned

So may last relationship crashed and burned. Here is my take on what happeed.. Lesson learned but no love lost.
I was far from perfect in this relationship but who is. I did attempt to be good for him and to him.

Now I know a few things. I should not to roll with potential. Take a man for where he is currently and I need him to be ready. Trust is super important and he and I need to be friends. Real friends; he needs to be bestie material. Also, everyone won't be willing to do for you, what you do for them.
As good as I looked in that tiny dress, the "winds" blew and I'll never forget the feeling. 
I should ALWAYS be the only woman in the room... ESPECIALLY if I look like this...

Friday, July 25, 2014


*Singing* "Ain't no feeling like being freeeee." 
Recently I had to cut off a few things. After that life has been AMAZING... even with no job. lol Sometimes you need to let go of things beating you down and holding you down and back. Please disregard my appearance in the video... lol.
Feeling free from it all on the beautiful beach of Maui!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Beyonce Chronicles

Need a good laugh?! Here ya go...

We are not singers, we would work out better dancing background.But we have a good time!