Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Here is my list of resolutions for 2016. Sometimes I just need to hit restart And NOW is one of those times. I'm sure some of you don't see point of new year's resolutions. If you are one of those people, you can please stop here. If not, drum roll please....
1) To continue to grow professionally, mentally, and religiously. Just continue to get better with time and be a better me.
2) To watch more Food Network and Cooking Channel. I really feel like God is almost ready for me to be with husband he has designed for me! LOL When he gets me, I need to be ready to be a brown skin version of Ayesha Curry and Chrissy Teagan. (Have you seen their Instagram???!!! I want to be them when I grow up!) Don't get it twisted, I can cook but I'm trying to step up my game. And let's be real, some of these cooking folks aren't doing any more than opening some cans. I just need to learn a few of these tricks. Did I mention that I like to eat.
3) Tackle more of 30 (not) in 2015 list. Not sure which ones but I have to scratch more off that list!!!
4.) Restart the same ones I start every year but rarely stick to (exercise more, go to church more, read more). Some years I do really good with some of these (mainly the church and exercise). Then there are years (like this one) where I did very poorly.
5.) God reminded all New Year's Eve that I left this one off.... Be PATIENT!!! It's God's time and not my own.