Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.

Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL

But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....



Saturday, September 24, 2016

From the Sideline

Sometimes you have to love people from a distance. Your role isn’t to be up front and center in their journey.  You have to cheer from the sidelines sometimes from the nosebleed seats if you are lucky. And that’s okay.  Trust your journey and the fact your role in their journey is over. Is it always easy? Nope. You eventually leave the stadium and occasionally turn on their station just to make sure they are still winning at this game called life even if you are no longer on the team. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

I'm Over It!

I. Am. Over. Dating.  I’m single and surprisingly okay with that. A friend of mine asked me the other day if I wanted to do online dating. I wanted to scream HELL NO! I’ve done that. I’ve dated friends, friends of friends, guys from high school, college, guys I’ve met through working. It has all been a fail. At this point, I’m tired of dating. I currently want no part of the process.

I am going to take it back to my youth and give you the top 10 reason’s I’m over it.

10.          I don’t REALLY like people like that.  Some of y’all have had 6 husbands and a new boyfriend every week. And are MADLY in love. Cool Beans for you! BUT that’s not my cup of tea. I don’t like everybody like that.
9.              I don’t want to pay to talk to a bunch of random guys on EHarmony or Match.com. I’d rather spend my money on food and shoes.
8.            I don’t want to go on dates with strangers. After we have ordered food, I’ve usually realized I want to go home and sit on my couch, drink wine, and watch TV in my pajamas.  Instead we discuss my accent and where I’m from or how he’s so great at his job. Which usually leaves me
unimpressed like Makayla.

7.            The time spent getting dressed, figuring out what to do to my hair, and applying makeup usually isn’t worth the free food.
6.  I don’t want to spend hours talking on the phone. I HATE talking on the phone.  Hate it! Dating people spend hours on the phone. I have NO clue what they are talking about but I know I don’t have it to say. Spare me the torture. I have toilets I can clean, lesson plans to complete, practices to attend, prime time TV to watch. 
5. Online daters often serial date. That would be pure torture to me. I don’t want to sit with people I don’t know and talk. I’m really not that friendly. In spite of my friendly disposition my dominate Gemini twin is an introvert and would rather not.
4. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Netflix. And. Chill. Yes, the way you think. Grown men still try this ish. I don’t know you!  We are not In high school. Calm it down. These boobs (as small as they may be) belong to me. Hands off! Thanks!  
3.  I really need to focus on me. There are so many things I can focus my energy on. I really just want to take the time focus on my AWESOME. Guys are a distraction and needy. I currently have 3 jobs and a list of other responsibilities that I enjoy. I don’t have the energy to play house.
2. As I watch others be super mom and super wife, I’m not quite sure I can handle the job. Sometimes, I’m not sure if I want the jobs. I don’t know how you do it all! I don’t think I can hang. Women can do it all. I don’t think I’m the woman who can do it all at once. I’m overwhelmed some days with just me. !
1.  I am over (ALL THE WAY OVER) trying to prove I’m enough when I am usually over qualified. I clean, cook, and few other things too *wink wink*. I spend all day taking care of other people’s children so I have that covered too. I can be high maintenance in some eyes but I work to afford myself so I’m good. I don't want your money.

I know, I know I need to date to find a husband but I have to weed through the not for me to find the right one. I’m all the way over weeding. God is still working on my husband. And I hope he is making him a patient and about his business, because at this point dating seems to be more trouble than it’s worth. And I'm exhausted and I ain't got time for no bullshit. When he finds me he needs to know I will probably have on black tights/sweatpants, no makeup and a pony tail. He will need to like noodles and sauce because that is what I like eat. Hopefully he's out there. If not, I'm moving on with life! Living in my truth and in peace.