Follow along as my friends and I "search" for love and happiness! I have many girlfriends spread across the country who also have friends who may have an interesting story for me to share. No worries friends and our "boos" your names are safe... I won't tell, if YOU don't tell. Look at each post not to see if you know who I am talking 'bout but instead to grow and help us grow as the wonderful women we are.

Don't ask me who I'm talkin' 'bout, 'cause I ain't tellin'! LOL

But don't forget to add your 2 cents.... I like to hear others opinions even if I dont agree.... but hey maybe you do agree....



Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Was My Test.... NOW this is my TESTimony

God I Get It - http://youtu.be/cO-tF8EklQg
All the Crappy things that 2014 had to offer.....
- I was in a crappy relationship (I complained about this is many blogs...). It was like sucking the life out of my soul.
- I HATED my current job situation.
- My father fell and broke his neck. (Yes! His NECK!!) He spent most of 2014 in Richmond with rehab, surgery, and slew of meds to keep straight.
- That crappy relationship ended, around the same time my Dad broke his neck. Talk about supportive, Right? (I won't go in here... I've hashed this shit out enough... see my previous videos!)
- I pretty much quit my job.... at the very last possible second just turned in a letter resignation. No new job or no real plan. Talk about stepping out on FAITH!
- The guy that I was in a crappy relationship with is now magically back love with his ex.... yea the girl who beat up him and his car that first few months we were together (I'm sure I blogged about it) and he continuously couldn't stay away from but told me not worry about... I should've listened to my intuition.
- I realized that MY problem was me and not him (He still has his own issues but MY problem was more so with me and what I accepted). Hmmph that was hard to accept and still hard to accept.
- Oh! Did I mention that I quit my job with no new job!!! Still no new job in August... hell no new job 2 weeks before school started.
- A realization that a situation where you have VOLUNTEERED so much of your time, energy, and money doesn't appreciate your commitment.

My list seems short when I type it but it sure wasn't short living it... Especially considering most of this happened  between March and August and on top of my normal crazy life!

Friday, December 26, 2014

It Sounds Good So I Say It!

Do I really want a man?!?! FYI- I don't have any clue what happened at the end of my video.
Now if an awesome one crosses my path, I'd be a fool not to grab him. Just not looking or feeling like a need one.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Friday Night Date Night... the Shade Room

This night and video are JUST funny!!! These are just random thoughts.... and facial expressions.... and moments that make life funny! Hope this entertains ya!
2014 was still in action... but sometimes you just have to laugh out loud!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Do NOT Settle!

More of the story... DO NOT SETTLE!! Go and get what God has for you!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Starting 2015 in 2014

This is a super late post... I don't really know this got lost in the shuffle. But definitely how I was feeling November 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Hardest Thing for Me to Accept in 2014!

Everyone doesn't see your shine and value your shine!

What has been the hardest for me to accept is that the one you want to see your shine the most (and should see your shine) may not think you do enough.

If they don't see your value they don't deserve you!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Forever Doesn't Last

So Jasmine Sullivan's single is fire!! Check it out below! It sums up my 2014. Check out my video and reflection and even me hitting a few horrible notes! LOL

"It became painfully clear... I tried to believe... most times we were miserable... when I think of the pain and I realize I better off by myself... forever doesn't last too long these days!"

Officially Over 2014
Life in Transition
Poisonous Relationships

Hell... Just revisit the entire 2014 post back until June.  LOL

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"It" Factor

What is the "it" factor? Do I have it? Do other people have it?! 
Shout out to the people who recognize something in me!!! You've made my 2014.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

OFFICIALLY over 2014!!

Patience is virtue.... I must be HEEELLLLLAAA virtuous at this point.
My current reminder on my wrist!! I need this reminder daily and often cause I think I'm starting to run low!
Can you guess what through me in the bed at 6pm on a Monday... yea it wasn't work....
NAS but... see Dr. Dre song... BAHAHAHA

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Getcha Life *Tamar Voice*

Some of our priorities are in the wrong place!! SMH Get your life people.
And yea I'm country!! It is what it is. LOL

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

100 Days of Happy

Day 2 and Day 3
Day 1  

Our lip gloss is poppin'! Get your own here!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Job Search 2014

As I embarked on new job search this summer, it meant a bitter sweet (more sweet) end of a chapter of my life. I learned soooooooo much from previous work experience. It definitely made me a better teacher and a better person in some ways.
On to the next one...

100 Days of Happy!

Malia and I are going to tackle 100 Days of Happy!! Let's see how this goes!! We can both definitely come up with 100 days worth of HAPPY stuff!! (disregard my wild hair... this was before I stopped transitioning. )

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I was told to write the vision and make it plain.... that's what I am doing!!

Check out my vision for MY husband designed by God for ME!!  I previously wrote a blog about My Type...check to see if they have changed.  

Hair Journey

Soooooo I'm in the process (well was) of finding my hair! Check out my video on my natural journey/discovery. You probably have and will see some videos with some transitioning hair fails ... but oh well. I am not my hair. LOL
Please peep the before (video) and after (pic). Thank you Jesus for being a make-up brush and lip gloss!!
P.S. I FINALLY cut off the permed ends. It ended up being way more than I thought. 0_____o My hair is definitely not the length from the pic at the top. LOL

Friday, August 15, 2014

Poisonous Relationships

Some relationships do more harm than good in life. You find yourself addicted and the addiction is ruining who you are. Hopefully you end your toxic relationship before you are sitting on the floor of a shower wanting to be saved and one hit away from your demise.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Reasons Why My Last Relationship Crashed and Burned

So may last relationship crashed and burned. Here is my take on what happeed.. Lesson learned but no love lost.
I was far from perfect in this relationship but who is. I did attempt to be good for him and to him.

Now I know a few things. I should not to roll with potential. Take a man for where he is currently and I need him to be ready. Trust is super important and he and I need to be friends. Real friends; he needs to be bestie material. Also, everyone won't be willing to do for you, what you do for them.
As good as I looked in that tiny dress, the "winds" blew and I'll never forget the feeling. 
I should ALWAYS be the only woman in the room... ESPECIALLY if I look like this...

Friday, July 25, 2014


*Singing* "Ain't no feeling like being freeeee." 
Recently I had to cut off a few things. After that life has been AMAZING... even with no job. lol Sometimes you need to let go of things beating you down and holding you down and back. Please disregard my appearance in the video... lol.
Feeling free from it all on the beautiful beach of Maui!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Beyonce Chronicles

Need a good laugh?! Here ya go...

We are not singers, we would work out better dancing background.But we have a good time!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

10 Reflections from this Year of Life

As I approach another and final 21st birthday, here are somethings I learned this year! Life is lesson! Never stop learning!!